At Green Sphere Lawn, we are currently wrapping up our first round of fertilizers for the season and are jumping straight into Step 2. For most of you, that means we will be applying the pre-emergent crabgrass control and also beginning to spray broadleaf weeds that are popping up here and there. We also handle moss removal and prevention along with Tick and Mosquito control applications. We continue to move forward in our yard care despite weather impacts that have slowed us, as are spring Horticultural Oils.

Spring Lawn Care

It’s been a very slow warm-up this spring and this will impact your lawn. Soil temperatures are currently 47 degrees, which is below average for this time of year. This is resulting in some lawns that have not fully awakened from winter dormancy and are slow to green up.

Another unfortunate beneficiary of the cold spring has been moss. So far this season we have fielded numerous calls from customers concerning the moss in their lawns. Between last season’s above-average rainfall and this year’s cold and wet spring, the moss has had prime conditions in which to grow. However, when it comes to moss removal and Newburyport lawn care, we are your experts.

Moss Removal

The key to controlling moss is to improve the conditions for grass growth. A healthy vigorous stand of turf grass can easily out-compete or “choke out” moss. Products such as Moss Out, Moss Ex and Iron Sulphate (or Ferrous Sulphate) can also be used to help eliminate moss, however, it’s extremely important that you read the labels carefully and follow the directions as instructed for your safety. 

When these products are used, the moss typically turns blackish within a couple of weeks and a spring rake is needed to rake up as much of the dead moss as possible. However, if the root cause is not corrected, the moss will invariably come back after any treatment. Moss is best controlled by optimizing conditions for the growth of turf grass. Moss removal can be done using a garden rake then you can spot reseed as necessary from there. If your lawn’s response to these treatments is poor, it may be necessary to reseed with a shade-tolerant (fescue or ryegrass) blend. Reseeding is the best time to improve your soil organic matter level, if needed, by tilling in compost.

Moss Prevention

Part of moss prevention is recognizing the signs and environments in which moss tends to grow. Only then can you act swiftly and efficiently to prevent it from even beginning. Essentially, moss grows wherever conditions are poor for the growth of turf grass:

Around moderate to heavy shade

In poor air circulation

Surrounding poorly drained or compacted soils

In heavy traffic areas

In low soil organic matter

In poor soil fertility

Has low soil pH (acid soil)

Keep your fingers crossed for a drier summer season which should help your grass overtake moss populations and aid in moss removal. When in doubt, contact a Newburyport landscaper at Green Sphere Lawn! 

Winter Injury 

Additionally, we’ve been seeing quite a bit of winter injury in evergreen trees, deciduous trees, and even shrubs. Winter injury is a broad term for many types of injury associated with sharp temperature fluctuations that physically damage various types of plant materials. Ice and sleet accumulations, rehydration and flash freezes, and regular high winds are all contributors to this type of damage. This kind of injury is mostly unpreventable and unpredictable. If damaged areas do not rebound in the spring  or early summer, they should be pruned out. If you need your trees or shrubs assessed, maintained, or removed, contact Green Sphere Lawn for spring lawn care today

Whether you’re searching for a Newburyport landscaper or need moss removal, we can help! Make sure your lawn is spring-ready and get a free quote with Green Sphere Lawn!