Spring is finally here, but summer is just around the corner too. While you might have already given your yard a quick spring cleanup, there are a few more ways to add life to your landscape and prepare for the hot days ahead.
Here are nine things to do to prep your property:
1. Plant Your Trees & Shrubs
Early spring is typically a terrific time for New England homeowners to plant new trees and shrubs; however, every plant has a different “window” of time that’s ideal. As a general rule, May is when Massachusetts stops seeing snow or frost, and soil temperatures are cool but not too warm— excellent for retaining moisture and helping your plant to acclimate to its new home.
Ask a landscape professional when is best to plant your particular variety of tree or bush, as well as for watering advice for once they’re in the dirt! Usually, newly planted life requires extra water and sometimes more nutrients to properly root before the heat and stress of summer. Read up on your variety to help it prosper!
2. Plant Flowers & Herbs
Spring is also a wonderful time to add a touch of color to your landscape. Before the summer hits, plant some bright annuals like pansies or fragrant herbs to use for cooking. These plants look lovely in window boxes or in small garden areas, and while they often only last one season, they’re so easy to plant, many homeowners don’t mind spending a few dollars and minutes adding these vibrant additions.
For those who want more long-term beauty, now is the time to plant perennials that will last all summer long— and even come back next year. Discover our five favorite perennials for Massachusetts landscapes.
3. Make a Pollinator Garden
The birds are chirping and happy insects immerging. Now is a fabulous time to make that pollinator garden you just never got around to! These lively gardens feature bold flowers and invite bees and butterflies, who can help to pollinate your other plants to produce more blooms or fruit. Here’s our article all about making your own pollinator garden!
4. Dress Up Your Patio
The weather is warming up, and you’re ready to enjoy your patio. It’s the perfect time to sweep the twigs and debris away and breathe life back into your empty outdoor space. If your deck needs a fresh wood stain, grab your paintbrush one sunny weekend and knock that out first.
Then, bring out a colorful carpet, your favorite patio furniture, pillows, blankets, and a few tables. Wheel out your outdoor grill, add pots of lively plants, string up some LED lights and some charming outdoor decor— and you’ve got yourself a little oasis right in your backyard! Check out our article for more: Patio Design Ideas for a Backyard Refresh.
5. Add Fresh Mulch
Turn over any old, faded layers of mulch. Sometimes simply stirring up the top layer can make a big difference, but there’s nothing like adding fresh stuff! Mulching can help your plants retain water, keeps weeds at bay and can even deter insects. Here are a few more benefits to convince you of the power of mulching!
6. If It Was a Rough Winter, Aerate & Overseed
We typically only recommend aerating and overseeding your landscape in the springtime if we had a particularly tough winter. But while most landscapes can benefit the most from aeration and seed planting in the fall (because of all those compacting summer mows, foot traffic, harsh sun, etc.), sometimes your lawn needs help recouping from winter turf damage.
If you have some brown or dead grass this spring, ask a lawn care expert if they think proper aeration or fresh overseeding is necessary.
7. Pick Up Some Organic Lawn Fertilizer
Summer can be a stressful time for your grass, which can yellow or brown due to excessive mowing, soil compaction, the hot sun, etc. That’s why spring is a terrific time to start fertilizing your turf— to give it the nutrients it needs to push strong through these active months. But before you start plopping any products on your lawn, be sure to get a proper soil test to see which minerals it’s lacking!
We recommend applying an organic lawn fertilizer every month from May through September. While chemical fertilizers often get the job done, organic products help to improve the quality of your soil and require less frequent applications to see rich, sustainable results. Here are six darn good reasons our GreenSphere team prefers organic, and why you should too!
8. Apply Moisture Control
Massachusetts summers can take a toll on your landscape. While fertilizing can help your turf get the nutrients it needs, organic fertilizers need water to break down and be properly absorbed.
Hot, dry days can sap important moisture from your yard. Help your soil retain some wetness with a moisture control treatment. Here at GreenSphere, we use Hydretain products, which absorb water from the air and can reduce watering needs by up to 50% this keeps your lawn healthy and resilient and saves $$$$$$!
9. Protect Against Insects
Now is the time that pests emerge, when the sun is out and temperatures begin to rise. Mosquitoes, ticks and other bugs threaten your family’s safety and are just plain annoying! Beginning in April, apply your first round of pest control treatments.
This could be tree injections to ward against our state’s troubling tree bugs, or simply spraying your turf. There are even a few ways you can naturally repel insects, without chemicals. Read more about natural tick repellents and natural mosquito repellents right here on our blog.
More Landscaping Ideas
We know that preparing your landscape for summer is no easy feat, but the end results are often worth all the digging and treating.
Here are a few more landscaping ideas for creating one sharp New England style home.
Feeling overwhelmed? Let our team doing some of the work so you can do more relaxing. Take back your weekend by giving us a buzz at (855)-391-1343 or filling out this form.
Chris Imlach
Owner & Head Coach
Chris Imlach established the business that became Green Sphere twenty years ago, providing eco-conscious lawn care to the Newburyport area of Massachusetts. As owner and head coach, he leads a team dedicated to natural fertilization and pest control, reflecting his commitment to community wellbeing through safer lawn care practices.